Episode #149: Legacy – Wish Man

Sorry everyone but Matt messed up bad last week.  He claimed we were reviewing Jumanji: The Next Level but regretfully it’s not out yet.  He was honestly looking at the wrong week on the release calendar.  Don’t hate him more than usual. Instead there was an exciting new Netflix release last week of a film made in Prescott, Wish Man.  Not Wish Man related topics today include Die Hard, Blanton’s Bourbon, and the incredible beauty of northern Arizona.

Wish Man is an extremely well acted and written film based on the life of Prescott hero Frank Shankwitz founder of Make a Wish.  Frank’s story is very emotional on many levels both good and bad.  The sets are beautiful and perfect for the time period. If you live or have experienced much of Prescott, Ariz. you will recognize most if not all of the locations they used.  There are a handful of minor missteps in the film. A couple of the flashbacks were not presented well and came off confusing. The child actors did well but could have been better.  They are kids and we are sure they did their best so you can’t hold it against them. In the end Mike and Matt both agree Wish Man is a must see film.  Go watch it now and tell everyone you know to watch it too.  Hopefully this is not becoming a trend for the guys but they agree on a rating for the second week in a row!  Matt and Mike both give Wish Man 4.5 out of 5 Reels.

Next week the guys will finally return to the theaters to watch the sequel to the 2017 surprise hit Jumanji: The Next Level, honest that is what we will be reviewing and hopefully with a special guest, Mrs. Talent!!  Thanks for hanging out with us and we will chat at you next week.

If you have a film you would like Matt and Mike Talent to review you can email us at nerds@reelfilmnerds.com, listeners we are talking to you too.

Lastly we are on all things social such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Please join our Facebook Fan Group so you can have a safe space to yell at Mike and Matt from the comfort of your keyboard while talking about films too. Now go out and catch a movie!

Wish Man Wish Man Movie Poster

Director: Theo Davies

Writer: Theo Davies

Stars: Andrew Steel, Kirby Bliss Blanton, Robert Pine, and Tom Sizemore

Release Date: June 7, 2019

Storyline from IMDB

Frank Shankwitz, an Arizona motorcycle cop with a troubled past, survives a near-fatal accident during a high-speed pursuit. As part of Frank’s rehabilitation, police chief Sgt. Eddie Newman asks him to spend time with a terminally ill little boy, Michael, whose dying wish is to be a Highway Patrol motorcycle officer. To Michael, Frank is his hero, and an unlikely friendship is born. The boy inspires Frank to follow a new path, which leads to the creation of the Make-A-Wish foundation.

Watch the Wish Man trailer below.

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