Month: March 2022

Episode #264: Tributary – Windfall

Check it out everyone I think we are back on track for a bit with two pods in a row. This week Matt and Mike continue their voyage into new Netflix Originals with the suspenseful thriller Windfall starring Jason Segel, Lily Collins, Jesse Plemons, and Omar Leyva. Bonus topics today include Blanton’s, Alfred Hitchcock, and the Oscars.

 Are you looking for something a little different? A film that makes you ask questions instead of receiving answers? If your answer is a yes then Windfall is for you. The new Netflix Original is not a bad movie but is not an incredible one either. There are lots of great elements such as the set, the acting, and some storytelling. Windfall is just so dang drawn out and downright boring it might be a pass. 

A very wealthy couple goes to their vacation home for the weekend and walks in on a man robbing them when they arrive. Both parties are spooked and chaos quickly ensues. Mike thought Windfall was just OK giving it 2 out of 5 Reels. Matt agreed with Mike that it’s not a must watch film. He gives Windfall 2.5 out of 5 Reels.

For next week’s podcast Matt takes us back to the theaters to review the predicted train wreck Morbius starring Jared Leto. The guys will let you know if it’s worth spending your hard earned money on it or not. Thanks for listening and reading to the end of our show notes. Chat at you next week!

If you have a film you would like Matt and Mike to review, email us at

You can find us on all things social such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Why not join our Facebook Fan Group so you can yell at Mike and Matt from the comfort of your keyboard while talking about films. Thank you for liking, subscribing, rating, reviewing, and telling your friends about our podcast. Stay home and stream as many movies as you can!

Windfall Windfall Movie Poster

Director: Charlie McDowell

Writers: Charlie McDowell, Jason Segel, Justin Lader, and Andrew Kevin Walker

Stars: , , , and Omar Leyva

Release Date: March 18, 2022

Storyline from IMDB

A man breaks into a tech billionaire’s empty vacation home, but things go sideways when the arrogant mogul and his wife arrive for a last-minute getaway.

Watch the Windfall trailer below.

Episode #263: Double Feature – CODA and The Adam Project

We are back everyone! Sorry about the last minute cancellation but the guys had some personal and family things to tend to. Don’t worry though today you get a double feature with their reviews of CODA and The Adam Project! Bonus topics today include Tesla, a new movie giveaway, and allergies suck!

I will do my best not to write too much, it’s getting late and I do need to get to bed. The Apple Original CODA is an absolutely incredible film. The acting, the story, everything is just so wonderful and heartfelt. This film should win the Academy Award for Best Picture but we all know that it won’t because well it’s not weird. CODA is a coming of age story for a high school senior looking to go to college for singing but her entire family is deaf except her. This adds many challenges that most of us would never even contemplate let alone understand. Mike and Matt both agree this is a must see film awarding it 4.5 out of 5 Reels.

Our second review of the pod is the new Netflix Original The Adam Project starring  Ryan Reynolds, Jennifer Garner and Mark Ruffalo. This is a fun sci-fi summer blockbuster kind of film with some heart thrown in for good measure. Time travel has been invented and Ryan Reynolds must team up with his younger self to save mankind from impending doom oh and rescue his wife who is trapped in the past. This film was just a lot of fun. It is nothing special but just a really good time with great acting, special effects, and a tried and true story with lightsabers, kind of. Mike and Matt agree this is well worth the watch if you have a Netflix subscription. If not, go over to a friend’s house and watch it with them. Mike with the surprise higher rating gives The Adam Project 3.5 out of 5 Reels. Matt really enjoyed the movie too but thought it was just average. He awards The Adam Project 3 out of 5 Reels. 

For next week’s podcast, if we can keep our crap together, we continue catching up on new Netflix Originals with Mike’s pick Windfall starring Jason Segel, Lily Collins, and Jesse Plemons. Thanks for listening and reading to the end of our show notes. Chat at you next week!

If you have a film you would like Matt and Mike to review, email us at

You can find us on all things social such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Why not join our Facebook Fan Group so you can yell at Mike and Matt from the comfort of your keyboard while talking about films. Thank you for liking, subscribing, rating, reviewing, and telling your friends about our podcast. Stay home and stream as many movies as you can!

CODA CODA Movie Poster


Writers: , , and

Stars: , , , and Daniel Durant

Release Date: August 13, 2021

Storyline from IMDB

As a CODA (Child of Deaf Adults) Ruby is the only hearing person in her deaf family. When the family’s fishing business is threatened, Ruby finds herself torn between pursuing her love of music by wanting to go to Berklee College of Music and her fear of abandoning her parents.

Watch the CODA trailer below.

The Adam Project The Adam Project Movie Poster

Director: Shawn Levy

Writers: , , and

Stars:  , , Jennifer Garner and

Release Date: March 11, 2022

Storyline from IMDB

After accidentally crash-landing in 2022, time-traveling fighter pilot Adam Reed teams up with his 12-year-old self for a mission to save the future.

Watch The Adam Project trailer below.

Episode #262: The Batman (2022)

Happy Thursday everyone? Yep sorry about that but Matt was out of town for work so the guys are a day late and definitely more than a dollar short. For today’s review we chat about The Batman (2022) starring Robert Pattinson and Zoe Kravitz. Not bat topics include concerts, comic artist Dave Beaty, and Oscar predictions.

I am not sure if the world really needed another incarnation of Batman after Christopher Nolan and Christen Bale’s incredible trilogy but hey we got one anyways. The Batman (2022) is a great film with a stellar cast, amazing story, and gritty cinematography but man is it long. This is not your typical superhero action flick. Yes there is action in this movie but it is more of a detective noir akin to the DC Detective comics. It’s a breath of fresh air in a time where superhero CGI action rules the box office. Robert Pattison did a good job as Batman but especially Bruce Wayne. The real standout though was Colin Farrell, wow just wow Colin! 

Matt and Mike agree The Batman (2022) is a great film but it is not a must watch unless you are big into Batman, DC, or superheroes. It will be streaming on HBO Max soon enough. Matt back to form really liked The Batman (2022) awarding it 4 out of 5 Reels. Mike on the other hand thought it was good but very slow, lengthy, and boring at times. He awards it 3.5 out of 5 Reels.

For next week’s podcast Mike wants to continue our Best Picture nominee watchlist with the Apple TV+ Original CODA starring Emilia Jones and Marleee Martin. Thanks for listening and reading to the end of our show notes. Chat at you next week!

If you have a film you would like Matt and Mike to review, email us at

You can find us on all things social such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Why not join our Facebook Fan Group so you can yell at Mike and Matt from the comfort of your keyboard while talking about films. Thank you for liking, subscribing, rating, reviewing, and telling your friends about our podcast. Stay home and stream as many movies as you can!

The Batman (2022) The Batman Movie Poster


Writers: , , , and Bob Kane

Stars: , , Colin Farrell, and Paul Dano

Release Date: March 4, 2022

Storyline from IMDB

When the Riddler, a sadistic serial killer, begins murdering key political figures in Gotham, Batman is forced to investigate the city’s hidden corruption and question his family’s involvement.

Watch The Batman (2022) trailer below.

Episode #261: Nightmare Alley

Come one come all and check out our newest pod! Today Matt and Mike chat about another Best Picture nominee for this year’s Academy Awards, Nightmare Alley directed by Guillermo del Toro. Not carny related topics include Aldi, Sons of Anarchy, and hot tubs.

Nightmare Alley is a beautiful period piece from about 1941 based on a carny that takes the big city by storm as a mentalist. There are a ton of incredible actors in this film from Bradley Cooper to Ron Pearlman to Toni Collette and they all do an incredible job telling this story. The only thing that overshadows the acting is the cinematography. This film is dark, mysterious, and dingy but holy cow is it beautiful! The cinematography in Nightmare Alley rivals other Best Picture nominee Dune and that is really saying a lot. Mike and Matt both agree this is a great must watch film especially since it is currently streaming on HBO Max. They both award the film 4 out of 5 Reels.

Next week we might be a few days late with Episode #262. Matt is heading out of town for work. Don’t fret we are still going to review the new DC film The Batman starring Robert Pattinson and Zoe Kravitz. Chat at you next week!

If you have a film you would like Matt and Mike to review, email us at

You can find us on all things social such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Why not join our Facebook Fan Group so you can yell at Mike and Matt from the comfort of your keyboard while talking about films. Thank you for liking, subscribing, rating, reviewing, and telling your friends about our podcast. Stay home and stream as many movies as you can!

Nightmare Alley Nightmare Alley Movie Poster


Writers: , , and

Stars: , Willem Dafoe, , and

Release Date: December 17, 2021

Storyline from IMDB

An ambitious carny with a talent for manipulating people with a few well-chosen words hooks up with a female psychiatrist who is even more dangerous than he is.

Watch the Nightmare Alley trailer below.